My profile


I am a Lecturer in Early Childhood & Education and I joined Manchester Metropolitan University in 2021. I have a PhD in education that explored how how language and status interact with early years practitioners’ professional identities and relationships. My research focuses on gossip and female competition in female dominated, working class spaces, and highlights that gossip can be a form of power for women. I have seven years of experience as a practitioner in early childhood before I transitioned into research and teaching roles in higher education. I currently teach across Early Childhood and Education courses specialising in gender, social inequality, and outdoor education. 

Academic and professional qualifications

PhD Femininity, Class & Status: The societal devaluation of the female early years workforce, The University of Derby.

PGCertLTHE  - Manchester Metropolitan University

Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

MA Psychology & Education - The University of Sheffield (Distinction)

BA (Hons) History - Sheffield Hallam University

Forest School Leadership (Level 3)

Research outputs