Responsibilities and memberships

The University’s Board of Governors is responsible for determining the educational character and mission of the University, for oversight of its activities and for the efficient use of resources, as set out in the University’s Articles of Government. It appoints external auditors, safeguards the University’s assets and approves the annual estimates of income and expenditure.

More information about the Board’s responsibilities can be found in the ‌Statement of Primary Responsibilities.

  • Composition and Membership

    The University’s Instrument of Government sets out requirements for the composition of the Board. Apart from the Vice-Chancellor, there are three categories of governor - independent, co-opted and nominee members. Half of the governors are required to be independent members and the Instrument of Government stipulates that they must have experience in industry, commerce, the professions or employment matters. The composition of the Board, determined by the Board in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Instrument is as follows:

    • Independent Members: 13
    • Academic Board Nominee: 1
    • Student Nominees: 2
    • Co-opted Members: 7
    • Vice-Chancellor: 1

    An employee or a full-time student of Manchester Met or an elected member of any local authority is not allowed to be an independent governor but can be appointed as a co-opted member.

    The co-opted members must have experience in the provision of education. Of the seven co-opted places, three are reserved for members of staff, of whom at least one is a member of academic staff and one is professional services staff.

    The nominee members are:

    • A member of teaching staff nominated by the Academic Board; and
    • Students’ Union President; and
    • Students’ Union Education Officer

    The Chair and Deputy Chair are elected by the Board at the last meeting in the financial year to hold office for a period of three years. Governors, other than the Vice-Chancellor, are usually appointed for a three-year term of office and may serve for up to three terms, although two terms is the norm. Further information is available in the University’s policy on terms of office.

    The Board of Governors meets five times a year. One of these meetings is a joint Board and University Executive Group strategy meeting.

  • Interested in joining our Board of Governors?

    If you are passionate about the value of education in transforming lives and have a strategic and forward-thinking approach and a willingness to make your knowledge and expertise available to a Governing Body for a few days a year, Manchester Metropolitan University may have the ideal opportunity.

    We are always looking for committed individuals who are passionate about the value of education and the values, aims and objectives of the University. You will have integrity, sound judgement, an inquiring mind and good communication skills. You will be able to think strategically, make reasoned judgements, challenge constructively at Board level and offer sound and wise advice. You will be able to work effectively with other Governors and the University Executive.

    Experience in one or more of the following areas may also be helpful: strategy; financial management and controls; business, innovation and skills; people, organisational development and diversity; research and development; performance and change management; estates and facilities; digital systems and infrastructure; sustainability; internationalisation; or regulation and statutory responsibilities.

    Appointments are usually made for a three-year, renewable, term of office and require attendance between 8-15 days per year. Availability to prepare for and attend Board meetings, usually four per year, plus a two-day Strategy Meeting, is essential.

    Although Governors are not remunerated for undertaking their duties, the University will pay reasonable expenses incurred whilst on University business.

    For further information about the role please refer to our Board of Governors Recruitment Brochure


    Board vacancies are advertised as they occur. We are also interested in receiving expressions of interest at any time. This should include a short covering letter explaining why you would like to join Manchester Metropolitan University’s Board of Governors, what you would bring to the role and how you meet the criteria listed in the person specification, together with your curriculum vitae (CV) detailing your education and professional qualifications, employment history and details of any relevant experience.

    Expressions of interest should be sent by email to: [email protected]

    Informal enquiries can be directed to the Head of Governance and Secretariat, at [email protected].

  • Staff Governors

    What does a Staff Governor Do?

    The Board of Governors is responsible for determining the educational character and mission of the University, for oversight of its activities and for the efficient use of its resources as set out in the University’s Articles of Government.  17 Governors are appointed from outside the University and at least 7 are appointed from within the University.  The internal appointments comprise:

    • The Vice-Chancellor
    • 2 Student nominees
    • 1 Academic Board nominee
    • 3 co-opted staff members (of whom at least one will be academic staff and at least one will be professional services staff).

    The co-opted staff Governor serves on the Board as a full and equal member.  Whilst they are representative of the staff body, their function is not to represent staff directly.  The Staff Governor has an opportunity to bring to the Board direct experience of the institution from an operational perspective, which is useful to the Board as a whole when considering the University’s strategic direction.

    Who can become a Staff Governor?

    Any permanent member of staff from the University is eligible to apply.  When considering applications, the Board will take into account the applicant’s skills and experience, ability to demonstrate independence and discretion and ability to contribute constructively to debate.  Experience of serving on committees either within the University or external agencies (e.g. as a school governor) would be an advantage.

    What is the time commitment?

    The Board has four meetings per year which each last approximately 3 hours. There is an additional strategy meeting held during the year, which is a two day event, sometimes on campus and sometimes off campus.  Papers are usually circulated a week in advance of the meetings and are often confidential documents of strategic importance to the University.  You will need to be able to spend some time reading the meeting papers to prepare for the meetings.

    The time commitment involved will vary, but a member serving on the Board should allow for approximately 40 hours per year to attend and prepare for meetings. 

    Due to the time commitment associated with being a Governor, interested candidates are requested to discuss their application with their line manager. Line manager agreement should not be unreasonably withheld.

    Governors are also invited to attend University events such as graduation ceremonies.

    The term of office is three years.

    Is it a paid post?

    No fees are payable for this role but Governors may claim reasonable expenses directly related to the business of the Board.

    Where can I find out more?

    You can read the full role description for the position of Staff Governor

    Please direct queries in the first instance to the Head of Governance and Secretariat at [email protected]  

    Other formats of the document and further information are available on request.

    How do I apply?

    Further information will be posted here when there is a vacancy.

  • Committee Structure

    The Board has established a number of Committees to ensure effective and efficient conduct of its business.

    The Chair of each Committee is appointed by the Board.

    These pages provide the membership and terms of reference:

    The Committees operate under a delegated authority from the Board of Governors and provide regular reports to the Board.  However, some decisions can only be taken by the Board (known as reserved business), and the relevant Committee provides advice and guidance for these decisions.

    Meetings of the Committees are held once a term before meetings of the Board of Governors.

  • Remuneration Code and Annual Report

    As part of its commitment to good governance, the University complies with the HE Senior Staff Remuneration Code, which contains the following three elements:

    1. A fair and appropriate and justifiable level of remuneration.
    2. Procedural fairness.
    3. Transparency and accountability.

    In accordance with the Code, the University produces a Remuneration Annual Report, which is available below:

    Remuneration Annual Report

  • Meeting Dates

    Meeting dates 2024/25 

    Board of Governors
    • 3 and 4 October Joint Board and UEG Strategy Meeting (Thursday, 12pm-9pm and Friday, 9am-4pm)
    • 22 November, 10.00 am
    • 7 February, 10.00 am
    • 4 April, 10.00 am
    • 27 June, 10.00 am
    People, Finance and Resources Committee (Wednesday, 2.00 pm)
    • 30 October 
    • 27 January (Monday)
    • 12 March
    • 4 June
    Audit and Risk Committee (Friday, 10.30 am)
    • 20 September
    • 1 November
    • 21 February
    • 23 May
    Nominations and Governance Committee
    • 23 October, Wednesday, 9.00 am
    • 19 March, Thursday, 2.00 pm
    • 21 May, Wednesday, 2.00 pm 
    Remuneration Committee
    • 27 September Friday, 1.00 pm
    • 22 May, Thursday, 2.00 pm
  • Board of Governors’ Minutes

  • Declaration of Interests and Conflict of Interest Policy

    The University’s systems for managing any actual or perceived conflicts of interest and the template forms are outlined in the Conflict of Interest Policy.

    The University maintains a Register of Interests of Governors and senior managers, which is available to view below: 

  • Scheme of Delegation

    The Board of Governors has approved a Scheme of Delegation which defines the responsibilities of the Board of Governors, the Board’s Committees, the Vice-Chancellor, the University Executive Group and the Academic Board. The responsibilities are as set out in the University’s Constitutional Provisions and are in accordance with the University’s Financial Regulations and with CUC guidance.

  • University’s Constitutional and Legal Status

    Further information about the University’s constitutional and legal status is available here

  • Clerk to the Board

    The Board is responsible for appointing a Clerk to act as secretary to the Board. The post is currently held by Professor Karen Moore.

    The Clerk services the Board and its committees, drafts and edits reports and pursues matters requiring action. She ensures that business is properly conducted both during and outside meetings, and oversees arrangements for the appointment of governors. The Clerk plays a key role in providing relevant advice to the Board, its Chair and the Chairs of the Board’s committees, as well as to individual governors.

  • Board Effectiveness

    In accordance with good practice and the The Higher Education Code of Governance, our Board of Governors periodically reviews its own effectiveness. The University’s Board Effectiveness Framework comprises of the following:

    • External Board Effectiveness Reviews, taking place at least every three years.
    • An annual online board effectiveness survey.
    • Chair 1:1 meetings with Governors.
    • Meeting Effectiveness Questionnaires, which are completed by a small number of Governors after each Board meeting to gather more immediate feedback.

    The last external review, which was undertaken in 2021 by an external assessor, concluded that the University continues to demonstrate good governance.

  • Contact

    If you have any queries relating to the University’s Governance arrangements please contact Pam Aspden, Interim Head of Governance and Secretariat Team at [email protected] or visit the Governance and Secretariat Team website for further information.