Project summary

Research summary

  • February 2023 – June 2024

People with learning disabilities are more likely to be diagnosed with mental health problems and are more likely to be prescribed psychotropic medications (drugs that affects behaviour, mood, thoughts, or perception) compared to other people.

There are a number of side effects that result from multiple medications, which can contribute to high mortality rates.

The views of people with learning disabilities, their family members and paid carers are largely absent when talking about potentially harmful over-prescribing of psychotropic medications.

We need greater insight into people’s understanding and experience of taking these medications.

The central aim of this research is to develop a co-produced toolkit to support decision-making for adults with learning disabilities in relation to mental health prescribing and usage.

This project will be co-produced with co-researchers with learning disabilities from each of four collaborating self-advocacy organisations across the North of England.

Research outputs

Academic papers, reports and other research outputs will be linked from here when they are published.


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