
Foreword by Prof Jenny Watling, Pro-Vice-Chancellor International:

Thank you for your interest in partnering with Manchester Met. Our University is committed to engaging in mutually beneficial global collaboration which enhances the experience of students around the world.

We have extensive experience of delivering TNE with institutions around the world and are actively seeking to expand this network. Our experience includes delivering joint programmes, online and blended learning, franchised degrees and validation of overseas programmes, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Manchester Met’s academic staff are able to provide exceptional curriculum development, backed by research strengths across a range of disciplines. They can contribute remote or ‘Flying Faculty’ teaching, whilst our International Office comprises over 40 members of staff and provides an expert support function for the development and ongoing management of TNE.

All students studying as part of a Manchester Met TNE programme are warmly welcomed as part of our community, both as students and beyond graduation as Manchester Metropolitan University alumni.

Supporting our partners to deliver the best possible education experience is a key objective for us. We strive to establish global collaborations with like-minded institutions committed to long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships.

  • How to become a Collaborative Partner

    There are three steps you need to follow to become a Manchester Met collaborative partner, which includes activity such as franchising and dual awards:

    1. Initial assessment of the opportunity

    The International Partnerships team together with academic and professional colleagues across the university assess a proposed partnership to decide whether it meets the institution’s strategic objectives and is viable.

    2. Partner approval
    • Preliminary Visit 
      A Manchester Met team visits your campus to further explore the potential for collaboration, discuss mutual expectations and agree on a partnership model.
    • TNE Strategic Business Case
      Relevant faculty staff, together with the International Partnerships Team, develop a strategic business case document, which presents a project plan that includes market research, student numbers, proposed costs/fees and academic staffing, this is then submitted for approval to the University’s senior leadership team.
    • Due Diligence Process
      Your designated International Partnerships Manager from the International Partnerships Team will work with you to fulfil the University’s due diligence requirements. The University will consider your institution’s academic capacity to deliver on the proposed curricula and carry out important due diligence checks, to ensure the quality and standards of a proposed partnership. We are also required to undertake due diligence to review the financial, legal and management aspects of your organisation.
    • TNE Approval in Principle
      The relevant faculty, together with the International Partnerships Team, develop a TNE Approval in Principle document, which presents the final project and programme(s) to the University’s senior leadership team, for final strategic approval.  At this point, the partnership is still subject to formal academic approval and to the signing of a contract. 
    3. Programme approval
    • C-PEAR Academic Panel Event
      Manchester Met staff and external examiners will typically visit your campus to hold a Collaborative Programme Enhancement, Approval and Review and event (C-PEAR). They formally review the programme(s), from an academic perspective, and make a final decision about its approval for launch.

    • Contract Signing
      Once approved at a C-PEAR panel event, the International Partnerships Team and Professional Services colleagues will work with you to draft and sign the collaborative partnership contract. Once contracts are signed, the programme(s) launches, and students enrol as a Manchester Met collaborative student. 

  • How to become a Progression/Articulation Partner

    To establish a progression/articulation partnership with Manchester Met, you will have to follow these steps:

    1. Partner approval

    Manchester Met assesses the proposed arrangement and carries out due diligence on your institution. If the proposal is considered beneficial for students and both institutions, the International Partnerships Team develops a strategic business case for senior-level approval.

    2. Mapping exercise

    If the initial business case is approved, the relevant faculty carry out a mapping exercise to review the student’s prior learning and ensure that quality and academic standards are met.

    3. Approval and contract signing

    Once mapping is approved, the International Partnerships Team and Professional Services colleagues will work with you to draft and sign the articulation/progression agreement, which will typically grant students guaranteed entry onto Manchester Met’s specified programmes.